Taiwan, though just 160km away from China at its nearest point and ethnically similar, banned most tourists from the other side for decades. China claims Taiwan as part of its territory and Taiwan prefers its self-rule, creating irreconcilable friction including a fear that Beijing would send tourists to spy. But in 2008 the two sides decided to build economic relations. Out of that effort came a deal to open tourism. Travel quickly became popular because people in China had heard about Taiwan since elementary school. They know the folk song The Girl of Ali Mountain, named for a scenic spot in central Taiwan, for example. The National Palace Museum in Taipei has unique art originally from China, they also realize.
In 2015 tourism from China reached a record 3.4 million trips.
Group tourism is declining at least in part because of new tensions between Taiwan’s government since May and Communist Beijing. But a lot of them still show up to understand the island they’ve heard about most of their lives. What they think of Taiwan, however, is not what you might think they think.
Here’s a sum of the most common reactions, based on chats with tourists and Taiwanese people who meet them:
1. People are ominously courteous
Tourists from China eagerly report that strangers politely stop to give directions and shopkeepers respond professionally to inquiries. This treatment compares to China where an annoying number of strangers are surly or vague when interrupted by a question. The level of courtesy found in Taiwan fosters an appreciation of the location itself as well as a reminder that ethnic Chinese on either side easily have it in them to be polite.
2. It’s not very modern
Taiwan industrialized and modernized some three decades before China got going, so tourists expect to see a more opulent sparkle here, especially in the capital Taipei. They didn’t realize the wealth wasn’t invested in architecture. So the cities are full of decayed apartment blocks. As a traveler from Shanghai put it after a trip last year: “I used to think Taipei was newer than Shanghai, but I’ve found it’s not, because the housing isn’t as good.”
3. Things are cheap
Taiwan lacks the inflation that has flustered consumer enthusiasm in China’s bigger cities. Luxury brands and sit-down dinners cost more in China, for example. Consumer prices in China went up 1.4% in 2015 while they fell 0.3% in Taiwan. Taiwan’s a good bargain, explaining the glut of self-guided tourists from China who voluntarily go shopping in Taipei. Some tourists also wonder if the prices reflect weakness in Taiwan’s overall economy.